Hungarian Hypocrisy

General Gayety
1 min readDec 5, 2020
Image by lmaresz from Pixabay

Lest you think it’s just American evangelical pastors who vilify gays one second and sleep with them the next, get a load of Hungarian politician József Szájer.

A high-ranking member of the ruling right-wing Fidesz Party, Szájer represented it in the European Parliament. When Hungary revised its constitution in 2011, it was Szájer who happily crafted the ban on same-sex marriage.

Married to a woman and secure in his anti-queer credentials, Szájer was recently caught in Brussels at an orgy of 25 men.

Clearly not a fellow who does things halfway.

Police raided the event for violating Belgium’s COVID-19 rules. One report noted the cops caught him shimmying down a drainpipe. Since the orgy organizer said everyone was naked at the time of the raid, that must’ve been some kind of painful.

Szájer, 59, is now in trouble with the Belgian police for ignoring lockdown rules, and for possession of drugs. He resigned from the European Parliament, and left the Fidesz Party.

Maybe he’ll start a new party: the Sex-Party Party.



General Gayety

I’m Leslie Robinson, formerly a gay-press humor columnist. My GG blog combines humor with all things queer. Well, almost all things.